
Friday, March 18, 2011

Eighth Box

Delivery of Box Eight was delayed because of very cold weather.  But stuff is taking off again!  Spinach, salad greens, parsley, fennel, lentils, squash, garlic ... and cute little leeks.  Ah, Spring.  I can almost taste the asparagus to come ... and meanwhile we'll enjoy these fresh, green wonders.


  1. Wow. All those fresh veggies have me drooling.

  2. Those are tempting me to join a CSA, but I get so much pleasure from going to farmers' markets. I think the CSA might stress me out not wanting to waste any food!

  3. I, too, am a devoted fan of the delights of farmers' markets, but we don't have them here in winter, which is why I sign up for the Winter CSA only. Not much of my Winter CSA produce gets wasted ... I sometimes share it with friends and friends of friends, if I can't use it.

  4. Becky, it was such a pleasure to visit here. I've spent some time browsing through your earlier entries and really enjoy your blog. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
