
Friday, May 13, 2011

What to do with Coconut Butter

Healthy fats like coconut oil beat sugar and flour every time for clean, sustained energy and a happy metabolism. 

So, in the midst of the Easter onslaught of factory-churned-out chocs and candies with additives galore, I just got out my beautiful marble Easter eggs for color, and made Nancy's coconut-date energy balls.

These are really, really, good, plus, as you can see from Nancy's description, they have all kinds of positive health implications.  I increased the organic citrus peels to two teaspoons each, which gives these little citruspheres a powerful resemblance in taste to those horribly unhealthy lemon bars which we all remember fondly for their ability to make our teeth hurt.  We should have listened to our teeth!  Our bodies didn't want that much pure refined sugar.  Nancy kept going on her theme and developed raw cacao superfood truffles, which look tempting to me to try.

As often happens, finally having found a recipe that used the coconut butter I'd bought on impulse, another way to use this luscious stuff appeared.  Ryan's coconut cream and blueberry bark is incredibly delicious.

As with the citrus balls, you soften the jar of coconut butter (or coconut cream) in a pan of warm water on the stove, pour it out (I used a Silpat; Ryan used parchment paper) and slap frozen blueberries evenly across the top.  The frozen blueberries solidify the coconut butter.  Just break the bark into bite-sized pieces (this is important, because chomping into a big piece may cause a blueberry laundry crisis) and store 'em in the fridge.

Many thanks to Nancy and Ryan for adding variety to my energy arsenal!

More ideas for making coconut bark here.

Update:   Here's a seriously convenient way to keep coconut cream and coconut butter accessible.  If you've ever tried to dig 'em out of the jar with a pointy knife, you know what I mean.  Warm the coconut cream or coconut butter in the uncovered jar set in a pan of water on the stove.  May take 15 minutes or so at a simmer.  Stir occasionally.  When soft, spread coconut cream or coconut butter onto a Silpat.  Let harden, and either cut or break into roughly tablespoon-sized pieces.  Store them in a jar or other container.  For coconut cream, one tablespoon heated with 1/4 cup water makes 1/4 cup.  Stir a piece or two into curries, with a little water, or into sauteed veggies with Asian seasonings.  For the coconut butter ... you can either resoften with your preferred warming method, or just enjoy it as a snack.
Coconut cream pieces ready to reconstitute ... or just eat!


  1. ooh, that blueberry coconut bark looks so good! So glad you liked the coconut-date balls, I've been going through them like hotcakes lately :)

  2. Your bark looks awesome! So glad you liked it. Also, great observation that you can store in the fridge. I commend you for even having leftovers. When Stacey and I make this we lose all control and can't stop until it's gone. Although, I bet that these aren't stored for long, if I made these for an after dinner dessert, any leftovers might somehow become a pre-breakfast snack.

    Also, thanks for posting Nancy's recipe too. I'm definitely going to try it out sometime soon. Coconut butter has quickly become one of my favorite foods, and I'm excited to try new ways to use it.

  3. Hmmm, I have to say I haven't eschewed refined sugar yet (I still "chew" it). Don't eat a lot of it, but I still bake with it and am starting to come to terms with my healthy/whole foods hypocrisy. : (

  4. Yeah, sugar is not "whole." I used to buy organic sugar. Ha. You are on the right track with your Girl Scout cookie remakes!
