
Monday, February 25, 2013

A Mini-Discussion: Be a Smart Cookie! Change the World!

Flour and sugar are addictive and metabolically toxic.
Two mini-discussions in a row ... well, the situation is precarious out there, with Girl Scouts winsomely and industriously pulling at your heartstrings, conscience and sweet tooth!

I'll keep it short.  There are posts all over the place about giving the diminuitive Girl Scout sales reps money, but declining the cookies.  Or sending the cookies overseas to our troops.  Or giving them to friends.  But really, if we're going to change anything about the starch-, sugar-, and high-fructose-corn-syrup-driven products the food industry is exploiting us for, we have to STOP BUYING THEM!

You can and do donate to whatever causes you feel strongly about.  But as for feeding the beast ... supporting the marketing and production of damaging foods and products ... ONLY YOU can change what is offered.  The Girl Scouts, and their leaders, are a bunch of smart girls and women.  If you stop buying their cookies, they WILL come up with something less damaging to sell.

When approached, I smile at the Scouts and say, "Thank you, but I don't eat flour or sugar."  If they offer the option to donate but not take the product, that can prompt a mini-discussion about the sale of products that are useful, not unhealthful.

You realize I come by this thinking hereditarily.  My mom called the local middle school when they sent kids around selling chocolate-chip cookie dough laden with so many amazingly toxic ingredients that she felt compelled to comment.

The future of food is in our hands, dear readers! 


  1. When I was a girl scout (20 years ago, anyway), we had two fundraising opportunities: cookies and calendars. At the time, cookies cost something like $2.50 per box, and my troop saw about $0.35 of that. The calendars were only $1.50, and we got $1 for every calendar we sold (if I remember right). So not only are the cookies (delicious but) unhealthful - they aren't even a good fundraiser! Personally, I haven't bought any in a long time. But I would happily give a donation if a troop asked me for it.

  2. Becky,

    Forgive me but this has nothing to do with your post. Marcia was extremely touched by the comment that you left on my blog and gave me firm instructions to find a way to give you a big thank you and a virtual hug over the ocean.

    So, this is a huge thank you and a virtual hig from Marcia.

    It is also a thank you from me for your very kind comment about my blogs.

    Actually, the opening sentence was not quite true - found you blog fascinating and will now be following you.

    All best wishes

    Rodney Willett
