Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Last CSA box, but First Farmers' Market!

I've been told that I say "Egad!" too often, but ... erghmph!  This box was awesome.  The last, but definitely not the least.

It contained rhubarb, five huge bunches of asparagus, salad mix, spinach, turnips, chives and cilantro.  All gone already!  I even used the turnip greens to make a raw salad with the turnips juilienned in it ... and made a dressing with chili garlic sauce.

These boxes really do set off cooking frenzies.  My CSA farmer's Summer CSA deliveries have already started.  I'll be a faithful attendee at our local farmers' markets ... the first one is Pasco's, and I'll be heading there this Saturday morning, May 5.  I hope you will be, too!

Be sure to check out the Schreiber and Sons booth.  Historically, Schreiber is the only farmers' market vendor to offer organic cabbages, kale, chard collards, mustard ... and a variety of unusual melons and other vegetables.


  1. I don't know how it happens, but you always seem to have more stuff in your box than I do .. five bunches of asparagus? That's crazy! I am still trying to eat through my asparagus from the last winter box, and I've got all the asparagus from the first summer one to add to it! I'm so excited for the farmers market season to start :)

  2. Honest, I didn't snitch any asparagus from the other boxes that were sitting there! It is the most DELICIOUS asparagus ever, and ORGANIC!!!
